The ward sister is clearly the most important person of all.
The ward sister also must establish the needs of the student, and how best to meet them.
The ward sister came back a few minutes later and stood beside him.
It might have been the ward sister or the staff nurse.
Later it would be helpful if both were given an opportunity to talk to the ward sister and doctor.
The role of the ward sister will be discussed more fully later in the chapter.
The ward sister now made her appearance at the bedside.
At the end of the placement, a ward sister signed my assessment form and then asked me to do the same.
The team is accountable to the ward sister, and some overall supervision will be necessary.
Preparation for the role of the ward sister has been haphazard.
The ward sister is clearly the most important person of all.
The ward sister also must establish the needs of the student, and how best to meet them.
The ward sister came back a few minutes later and stood beside him.
It might have been the ward sister or the staff nurse.
Later it would be helpful if both were given an opportunity to talk to the ward sister and doctor.
The role of the ward sister will be discussed more fully later in the chapter.
The ward sister now made her appearance at the bedside.
At the end of the placement, a ward sister signed my assessment form and then asked me to do the same.
The team is accountable to the ward sister, and some overall supervision will be necessary.
Preparation for the role of the ward sister has been haphazard.