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I can keep it hidden from the Vatman and the revenue.
Maxen wrote to her office seeking help to persuade the VATman to change his mind.
The 5-2 fav had drawn upsides The Vatman Cometh when that rival capsized at the final obstacle.
A clone of Superman analogous to Bizarro appears in Lois & Clark played by Dean Cain in the episode "Vatman".
He thought of Hoomey's house a few hundred yards up, his stooge of a VATman dad smoking his pipe in front of the fire and his fat mum in the kitchen.
He remembered old dad VATman up at Hoomey's sitting by the fire and how he had wanted to go there, and that made him think of a good name: Lucky Fireside.no, Firelight, Lucky Firelight.
On Tuesday, Labor began putting up posters of Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont masked as "Vatman," saying the Conservatives would raise the value added tax imposed on nearly every purchase from its present level of 17 and a half percent to 22.
But suddenly the local VATman said that as the money held by Barfield exceeds the VAT threshold, it must pay 17.5% VAT on it - even though each business involved would be under the VAT threshold.
In 1994, on the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman first season episode "Vatman", He played Dr. Fabian Leek, a cloning expert who creates a Superman clone that belonged to corporate mogul Lex Luthor (John Shea).
He took the VAT man into his office and closed the door.
He later worked as a "vat man" in a soap factory; the family struggled financially at this time.
The VAT man is in and we can't get our accounts.
Others, like the VAT man and the probation officer, stayed almost as long as Alistair.
Hoomey's father was a VAT man.
'The VAT rules have previously been so complex that they have confused even the VAT man.
Now VAT men have earned an unfortunate reputation for not exactly being the sort who might have graduated from the Lucy Clayton school for charm and social deportment.
'When we played Everton I had four people working with me,' recalls Biggins, 'but now I'm working on my own for the VAT man.
No extended lines of credit, no invoicing thirty days later and all designed to be quick in-and-out operations before the tax man or the VAT man has twigged there's anything going on at all.
The business men came, we heard, the Chancellor listened, and he has incorporated in his proposals a large number of deregulatory measures, which will ease cash flow and make it easier to deal with the VAT man and the Inland Revenue.
The Santus Troupe partnership of Julian Santus and his sons Ernest and Roger was compulsorily liquidated by the VAT man at the end of last year and bankruptcy orders have now been made on all three.
He also learnt not to scrabble Dancer's leather trousers and who was welcome in the yard, biting the ankles of visiting VAT men, growling at Philippa Mannering when, ever hopeful, she dropped in on Ricky, and lifting his leg on the probation officer's bicycle.
Amid much talk of the 'poxy VAT man' and ambitions of a parliamentary future as 'Minister of Brothels under a Lib-Dem government', the 'queen of sleaze'reveals that 30% of her professional clients are accountants - that's 12,370 of you by our reckoning.