But the US secret cables go some way towards explaining western ambivalence.
There has been no comment so far from those cited in the leaked US cable, including the crown prince.
Use our interactive guide to discover what has been revealed in the leak of 250,000 US diplomatic cables.
The U.S. diplomatic cables also indicate that small circulation of the paper makes it difficult to see its influence.
In spite of this, a leaked US cable shows that Israel offered to stop such violations.
He said he was aware that death threats had been made against him following the publication of 250,000 US diplomatic cables on his website.
This information comes from the US diplomatic cables that were recently leaked to Wikileaks.
Against a red background was a photo-gallery of world leaders, each accompanied by a quotation culled from the US cables.
Examining U.S. diplomatic cables as a window on relations with the rest of the world in an age of war and terrorism.
A US diplomatic cable reported that police brutality and torture are "routine and pervasive".