Jones announced plans to record additional tracks with well known US artists to prepare the album for US release.
How can you ask a US artist to compete in the world job market against someone with at least equal training, who will work for 25+% less money?
US artists lose out by having to pay for things that their brethren in other countries receive through social programs.
This led to interest in his work, although he was initially mistaken for being a US artist.
Toby Buonagurio is a US artist known for her "flamboyant" ceramics.
It is quite within the rights of a US artist or publisher to demand that anyone who steals their revenue is punished.
June 8 - Harry Holtzman, US artist (died 1987)
In addition to the theater shows, entertainment was provided at the US Pavilion on an ongoing basis with live performances by various US artists.
Entertainment was provided at the US Pavilion on an ongoing basis with live performances by various US artists.
These two elements have given Canadian blues musicians a substantial opportunity to be directly influenced by US artists.