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Tufted Duck are unusual on salt water, except in severe winter weather.
We were watching the tufted ducks which made up for their late appearance this season by arriving in more than usual strength.
Tufted ducks bobbed, still in the small compact flocks of winter.
Two Canada geese and a pair of tufted duck drifted peacefully in this secret place.
The tufted duck, a rare bird from Eurasia, has also been recorded annually.
Breeding birds usually include great crested grebe and tufted duck.
The Tufted duck has been observed along the Bull River.
It is particularly favoured by the tufted duck.
Habitat similar to Tufted Duck, but also breeds on brackish lakes.
(Tufted Duck may show this but much less contrasted.)
Rain sheeted down on gad wall, tufted duck, coot and mallard.
Among them particularly numerous are tufted ducks, pochards, and northern pintails.
My excuse for the gap in my knowledge is that tufted ducks are rarely vocal except during the breeding period.
Large numbers of wildfowl regularly use the open water in the winter months such as the tufted duck, greylag and Canada geese.
The tufted ducks gathered into a loose raft in mid-water and eyed the intruders with disdain.
I counted more than 30 tufted ducks while at least 80 mallards were making wide sweeps round the pond before resettling.
The adult male is similar in color pattern to the Eurasian Tufted Duck, its relative.
The most common aquatic birds are the Goosander and Tufted Duck.
The cover depicts the Tufted Duck.
Mute swans, heron, tufted duck, great crested grebe, and kingfisher are also present.
It is an important habitat for birds such as the Tufted Duck and Scaup.
The Tufted Duck breeds widely throughout temperate and northern Eurasia.
The pure white undertail helps to distinguish this species from the somewhat similar Tufted Duck.
The most abundant is the Tufted Duck, which immigrated to Iceland at the end of the 19th century.
The lapwings were followed up by some tufted duck on a reservoir - a frustrating snatched glimpse but enough to dispel most of his gloom.