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On the other hand, the Japanese only lost 116 men and three torpedo boats.
Within 30 minutes, more torpedo boats closed and opened fire.
Until 1962 this was classified as a large torpedo boat.
The two torpedo boats were also released from the operation.
For their part, the Japanese lost only three minor torpedo boats and less than 700 men.
He is known for his work with torpedo boats and submarines.
In general, the Confederate torpedo boats were not very successful.
He also records there being four Italian torpedo boats involved in the action.
These were the primary defense against fast torpedo boats and aircraft.
She was used as a torpedo boat until 1941.
They were only able to sway the crew of one old torpedo boat to the cause.
Two torpedo boats and 15 light naval units were also lost during the campaign.
The ship served as a torpedo boat at Newport through 1883.
The woman's scream from the water died as the torpedo boat roared on.
There were also to be 38 light cruisers, and 144 torpedo boats.
A number of smaller guns were carried for defense against torpedo boats.
By the time she reached Maddox, the torpedo boats were no longer in the area.
In 1884 torpedo boat units were formed to operate them.
Do you want me to release the torpedo boats for attack?"
He stared through the bridge windows at the old torpedo boat leading the way.
At around 0200 a German torpedo boat approached, coming within 100 yards, but then turned away.
Developed the first light steam engine and fast torpedo boats.
She had also survived a failed torpedo boat attack in August 1863.
In October, after completing his torpedo boat training, he was ordered to the 5.
These were meant to be used against torpedo boats.