The Native Title Act 1993 allows for traditional owners to hunt both turtles and dugongs.
These claims were brought before the commencement of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) came into operation.
On 22 October 2010 the case was settled in the Federal Court under the Native Title Act (1993).
Family First is against the Native Title Act as it currently stands.
Important details, such as the passing of the Native Title Act 1993, are missing from the encyclopaedia.
The park was formed in 2000 without the consent of the traditional owners or following proper procedure under the Native Title Act.
The government announced a "Ten Point Plan" to deal with the uncertainty that had the effect of weakening the Native Title Act.
They also have responsibilities under the Native Title Act 1993 and the Pastoral Land Act 1992.
As a coalition government senator, he clashed with his prime minister John Howard over reforms to the Native Title Act.
The Native Title Act establishes a process for the granting of Aboriginal land rights.