"The people at the Tenement Museum will just drop dead over this!"
The Tenement Museum of the Lower East Side is located at 97 Orchard.
The tour started, as usual, with a trip to the Tenement Museum on Orchard Street.
Walking up Orchard Street to the next gallery, Price gestured toward the Tenement Museum.
According to Marsha Dennis, genealogist for the Tenement Museum, the first full record of its occupancy is in the 1870 census.
Tourists would then spend money nearby, the president of the Tenement Museum, Ruth Abram, said.
Since 1988 the old brick house has been the Tenement Museum.
The Tenement Museum is unusual in that, of the five interpreters currently playing Victoria, four are professional actors.
Sponsored by the Tenement Museum, 97 Orchard Street.
This street is like a back lot from MGM, with the Tenement Museum, a couple of old shops, a full cobble street.