His "Lives of Animals" first emerged as a series of 1997 lectures at Princeton, part of the university's ongoing Tanner Lectures on Human Values.
In 1978, he permanently endowed the Tanner Lectures on Human Values, which are presented annually at several universities in England and the United States.
Rorty essay, "Feminism and Pragmatism", the Tanner Lecture on Human Values, December 7, 1990.
In 2005 he delivered the Tanner Lectures at Stanford University.
Cohen's Tanner Lectures: "Incentives, Inequality, and Community"
The two animal-rights chapters, for instance, were delivered in 1997 and 1998 as the Tanner Lectures at Princeton.
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Delivered at University of Utah February 27 and 28, 2001.
Justice Breyer's book is based on the Tanner Lectures on Human Values, which he delivered last year at Harvard.
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, No.17.
In 2002, she delivered two Tanner Lectures at Harvard University, in which she traced theoretical conceptions of nature in several literary and philosophical works.