In 2002, Rheingold published Smart Mobs, exploring the potential for technology to augment collective intelligence.
Rheingold, Howard - Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution.
Rheingold, Howard, "Technologies of cooperation" in Smart Mobs.
"They enable people to act together in new ways and in situations where collective action was not possible before," writes the technology thinker Howard Rheingold in his book "Smart Mobs," published this fall.
Texting can also bring people together and create a sense of community through "Smart Mobs" or "Net War", which create "people power".
But Howard Rheingold, whose book "Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution" (Perseus Publishing, 2002) examines how people are using wireless technologies, discounts that explanation.
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution Smart Mobs takes us on a journey around the world for a preview of the next techno-cultural shift.
In Rheingold's book, "Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution," the author concluded that the survival of protest in the 21st century depended on shrewdly employed technology.
Smart Mob Communication Smart Mobs for Fun (and the Common Good)
Howard Rheingold, author of "Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution" (Perseus, 2002), predicts that phonecams and similar technology will change the news landscape.