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She got out of the car, her thoughts flicking about like skuas.
Pale forms usually lack breast band found in other skuas and have dark body.
She stood for a while and watched: they were skuas, out hunting over dark streaks of open water.
The chicks are also at risk from predatory birds such as skuas.
It spotted the dust devil of skuas over the dead seal.
The south polar skuas' hunting strategy had never been filmed before - with good reason.
Like other skuas, it will fly at the head of a human or fox approaching its nest.
In the far south, there is a colony of Arctic Skuas.
About 56 Skuas were built, mostly by their owners in marine ply.
The skuas attack Wally as the protagonist is scaling a wall of ice.
Outside the breeding season, skuas take fish, offal and carrion.
Perched on a lower ledge, a group of skuas had watched them with black unblinking eyes.
During the summer season the skuas, which are big seagulls have their nests on the lake's shores.
It also holds the southernmost record of breeding Brown Skuas.
During this time she retained only six Skuas of 801 Squadron for her own protection.
The three smaller skuas are called jaegers in the Americas.
In these areas, skuas seem to defer to the considerably larger giant petrels.
After a three-month ornithological diet of skuas, they looked miraculously tiny.
Those who do not survive become food for the predator birds - the skuas and the giant petrels.
Other species killed by the baits include giant petrels, black ducks and skuas.
Remarkably, though, off-course skuas and snow petrels are occasionally seen there.
However, skuas have been spotted overflying the station, 1,200 km away from their nearest food sources.
There they are safe from the gulls or skuas that harry other nesting sea-birds.
Their eggs and chicks are hunted by skuas and petrels.
The enemy machine jettisoned its bombs due to the Skuas attack but was then lost in the poor visibility.