Older Millennials may have parents that are members of the Silent Generation.
The danger of forcing the Silent Generation into self-examination is that they will come to regard their children as even more spoiled and vacuous.
I am smack in the middle of the Silent Generation, with my 63rd birthday next month.
Most of their children belong to the Silent Generation.
The Korean War was the war of the Silent Generation.
Of the Silent Generation (66-74 years), 48% own desktops and 30% own laptops.
It has been called the 'Silent Generation'.
The Silent Generation (Artist archetype, born 1925 to 1942) came of age during this era.
The Silent Generation was born in the 1930s, a relatively small cohort and the only generation of the twentieth century never to have produced a president.
The Silent Generation of the fifties grew up with parents, teachers, and clergy still as authority figures.