Their activities mainly concern the probing of prominent citizens in the Shiite minority.
The fact that the Shiite minority is concentrated right above the country's richest oil fields inspired a particularly harsh crackdown.
The no-flight zones were established to protect the Shiite minority in the south and Kurds in the north.
They are mostly Sunni Muslim with Shiite and Christian minorities.
Pakistan has a history of sectarian violence between its Shiite minority and the Sunni Muslim majority.
Although the Shiite minority was oppressed by the Saudi government, this traditionally was rarely in the form of direct violence against the community.
But they also have sizable Shiite minorities, who, in many cases, feel politically and religiously marginalized, if not repressed.
The last large incident of violence between the Sunni Muslim majority and the Shiite minority took place two years ago, he said.
Three other parties draw strength from the Shiite minority.
The Shiite minorities throughout the Arab world are virtually unknown.