Fresh footprints, including those of a well-known Shawnee warrior - nicknamed Reel Foot because of his two club feet - led away from the camp site.
Several parties of mixed Mingo and Shawnee warriors soon struck the frontier, including one led by Logan.
Shawnee warriors claimed sections of the lower valley as choice camping grounds on which they stopped and rested in going to and from their great hunts.
Accompanied by twelve Shawnee warriors, they stayed at Running Water (in Marion County, Tennessee), where Cheeseekau's wife and daughter lived.
In 1790 at age 10, Tanner was captured by a Shawnee warrior.
Creek at first, then Shawnee warriors.
The Cherokee Hanging Maw led the raiders, two Cherokee and three Shawnee warriors.
This included Lochry, who was sitting on a log after the battle when a Shawnee warrior killed him with a tomahawk blow to the head.
Here, Kickapoo, Winnebago, and Shawnee warriors ambushed the Rangers.
Boone was captured by Shawnee warriors in 1778, who after a while adopted him into their tribe.