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Until a few years ago, sex education was left to parents.
But most parents want sex education to cover much more.
Sex education in American middle and high schools has taken on new meaning.
In many schools, sex education remains little more than it was 25 years ago.
What the hell, why not give him the sex education he needed?
From 1967 the Trust was also involved the development of sex education.
But both women feel strongly about sex education, and they are not alone.
Primary schools are also required to have a policy on sex education.
Sex education is by its nature something that interests parents.
Friends and family usually are the main source of sex education.
They said Congress should instead focus on sex education and counseling.
So it's clear that some middle schools are providing sex education.
Now I'd recently had sort of preliminary sex education at school.
Check whether sex education has been covered already at school?
First of all better, more comprehensive and earlier sex education.
These dolls are also sometimes used by parents or teachers as sex education.
What do you think of the new sex education mandate for middle and high school students?
The condoms had been given to all of the students at the school during a sex education class.
He started off by writing educational books, including a series on sex education for children and young people.
Thinking that sex education would lead to desire and trouble.
Evidence does not support the use of abstinence only sex education.
A month later, Murphy said she would be on the series again as a sex education teacher.
But she agreed that much work remained on sex education.
I hope my dollars then go for sex education and condoms.
Q. What can parents do to improve sex education at school?