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However, the capsule and service module combined mass may not have been that much.
An emergency battery was also added to another sector in the service module.
Below that is the service module and food store.
"Both spacecraft share the same service module, so there is an economy in building them together.
The damage to the service module made a lunar landing impossible.
It was a tank, but the proportions on the service modules were unbelievable.
It occurred in the service module at the rear of their crew compartment.
Under current plans, no further American space shuttle missions can be launched to the station until the service module is in place.
After spending 10 more days or so aboard the service module activating some systems, the crew would return to Earth.
One of the two oxygen tanks in Apollo's rear service module had exploded.
The service module was a 24.6 foot (7.5 meters) tall cylinder.
The first looked into the possible construction of a service module which would be used in tandem with the Orion capsule.
A major portion of the service module was taken up by propellant and the main rocket engine.
His skepticism focused mainly on the station's third element, known as the service module, which the Russians are building.
The most crucial hardware, and the biggest bottleneck in this plan, is the Russian service module.
Nine hours later, an oxygen tank in the service module blew up with a frightening bang.
Decades later, another project with the same name was used as a service module for the International Space Station.
In addition, Professional Edition includes additional manufacturing and field service modules.
We have hot and cold-" The service module on the table lit with a selection.
It is the third element, known as the Service Module, that is in trouble.
SM-009 was the first production Block I service module to fly.
Examination of the engine was impossible as the service module was discarded after the mission.
The service module, a crucial component of the space station, was to have been transported into space in July.
A 6500 comprises a chassis, power supplies, one or two supervisors, line cards and service modules.
Soyuz 5 - The service module failed to detach, but the crew survived.
This would have been attached to a modified Equipment Module.
And then he said softly, "Would you like to accompany me to the equipment module airlock?"
He immediately went over to the medical equipment module to begin loading hyposprays.
The magnetic one is in the equipment module."
The satellite de-orbited by retracting the lens into the special equipment module.
A 19-inch rack is a standardized frame or enclosure for mounting multiple equipment modules.
Individual cheela and equipment modules had their own smaller version of the main spacecraft.
The special equipment module was the part that returned to earth at the end of the mission, and contained the Zhemchug-4 (pearl) camera.
It was also equipped with a larger equipment module, allowing it to support longer missions, and maneuver in orbit.
Luckily, the equipment module burned off the descent module and the capsule righted itself.
Nearing Earth, the crew vehicle would jettison its equipment module before the crew capsule plunged into the atmosphere.
A service module (or equipment module) is a spacecraft compartment containing a variety of support systems used for spacecraft operations.
André put on a brave face as composite panels were split open and equipment modules broken down into component parts for high-definition scanning.
A modified version of the spacecraft was proposed, which would have included a cargo module attached to the back of a modified equipment module.
The benches were crowded with specialist terminals and composite equipment modules, long crystalline glassware arrays and culture vats.
The descent module re-entered the atmosphere on September 5, 1962, while the equipment module re-entered on October 15, 1965.
Equipment Module: Voskhod PA.
Jamie kept on chattering and the Russian remained silent as they took the winch apart, stowed it in the rover's equipment module, and then clumped into the airlock.
He was near the centre of the little buried hamlet now; the topside was a confusion of parked vehicles, abandoned equipment modules, scorched and broken-faceted solar collectors.
All three designs employed a mission module cabin separate from the command module (piloting and re-entry cabin), and a propulsion and equipment module.
The special equipment module was 3.3m long with a diameter of 2.3m. A shade 2.5m long with a diameter of 0.9m was attached to the front.
ISA-S88 Part 5 (Make2Pack) was written to provide a standard specifically for Equipment Modules and Control Modules.
The eight rotational control engines were mounted off the spacecraft's center of mass around the aft section of the Equipment Module, pointed at 90 degree positions up, down, left and right.
The first two land in film return canisters (called SpK - Spuskayemaya Kapsula) and a final set of film returns in the satellite's special equipment module.
It would have launched atop a Titan IIIC, once in orbit it would have maneuvered by means of a Transtage integrated into the equipment module.