But others were luckier, finding everything as they had left it, sometimes because of the intervention of Serbian neighbors.
He told a story of a Serbian neighbor with whom his aunt had warred for 30 years.
And for 30 years, he continued, the family had wonderful relations with another Serbian neighbor.
Could they ever live with their Serbian neighbors again, even with the "substantial autonomy" the agreement promises?
One Serbian neighbor became angry, but was ordered to be quiet, she said.
One man, a Croat hiding with his Serbian neighbors, was released the next day, but the others have not be heard from since.
One of the men with the Arkan troops was a Serbian neighbor.
But few publicly condemn the violence against the Serbian neighbors.
Many of them sought revenge against their Serbian neighbors, and once again whole villages went up in flames.
As they spoke, their Serbian neighbor drove out of his driveway in a car packed with luggage and sped off.