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Between 2003 and 2005 he held the post of national security advisor to the President.
Ever since the national security advisor had decided no longer to keep their secret.
The president read the message and handed it back to his national security advisor.
"Our President, his national security advisor and the secretary of defense.
The national security advisor called the gathering to order a minute or so past ten.
"We've got teams over there," the national security advisor said.
He shot an accusing finger at the national security advisor.
And the national security advisor added, "In my view probably less than two weeks.
The national security advisor rose and walked over to a giant wall safe.
Then he said, "No, we'll go direct to the president's national security advisor."
The phone rang and was answered by the national security advisor, who held it out to the President.
The time to come clean with the national security advisor, perhaps to consolidate his position even further.
"No, you're doing a good job," the security advisor said.
He picked up his cell phone and punched in the number to the national security advisor.
"Causing a very big bang," the national security advisor said.
The national security advisor had the look of a man who expected at any moment to find a shiv in his back.
And if that comes to pass, you'll be security advisor."
Edward, the security advisor and right-hand man to the King.
My chief of staff and my security advisor are former officers.
By the time they were finished, the national security advisor had his head in his hands.
The national security advisor has called in sociologists to tell them how the public's going to react.
"He has a point," the national security advisor said.
However, he had not summoned his senior security advisor to join him in grief.
For once his national security advisor had no reply.
The national security advisor did not respond directly to Clarke's memorandum.