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The yearly office ritual of secret Santa is upon us.
I like the idea of all girls and Secret Santa, but the other would be fun too.
If you’re doing a Secret Santa, make a little party of it.
He even trained some friends in the ways of Secret Santa.
Secret Santa told her he knew she would rebuild.
And these are much higher-end than your typical office secret Santa exchange.
The secret Santa is always shown from behind or from the shoulders down.
Before we leave for our few days at home every player picks his Secret Santa.
The secret Santa explained that helping others helped him.
Here are photos taken at the Secret Santa present presentations.
Guidelines and terms of the Secret Santa should be clearly drawn.
A secret Santa does good deeds during the holidays and reveals his identity at the end of the season.
Are you going to do a Secret Santa exchange or direct gifts?
But her Secret Santa kept up the mystery, with no name tag included.
It seems the Secret Santa charity drive was a victim of its own success.
"We can change the world one random act of kindness at a time," Secret Santa said.
She asks her secret Santa to please stop.
Morgan said she is very grateful for her gift from the Secret Santa.
She made her final onscreen appearance in the 2003 television movie Secret Santa.
You could also set up a Secret Santa scheme.
It is then their responsibility to buy or make something for their Secret Santa.
For the 2010 Holiday season, 92 countries were involved in the Secret Santa program.
Instead, try arranging a Secret Santa with your family or co-workers, where you buy for only one person in the group.
So far, about 150 families have completed matches and 450 people have volunteered to play secret Santa.
Alternatively, have a "children only" rule, or set up a Secret Santa.