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When they were ten feet short, she stopped them dead with reverse thrust.
Instead, for the last fortnight, training should go into reverse thrust.
If you don't reverse thrust, I'm going to open fire.
What would happen if the pilot did not stop applying this reverse thrust?
The attacker reversed thrust, but no longer held onto the dead man.
Reverse thrust can be used to help braking after landing.
Reverse thrust is also used to help slow the aircraft after landing.
Reverse thrust is also a feature of many airplane engines.
Reverse thrust, legs down and feet together, hands braced for a fall that must be straight forward.
Since the crash, there have been several other accidents involving reverse thrust.
The sound of the jet came in with a soft roar as it reversed thrust.
Concorde, too, could use reverse thrust in the air to increase the rate of descent.
The effect can be compared to the reverse thrust system on an aircraft jet engine.
Reverse thrust, which is used during landing, normally acts as a brake.
Many commercial aircraft cannot use reverse thrust in flight.
At pilot discretion, up to full reverse thrust could then be used prior to touchdown.
The aircraft touched down, but became airborne again after application of reverse thrust.
On the other hand, large aircraft (weighing more than 12,500 lb) almost always have the ability to reverse thrust.
At first, investigators said it seemed unlikely that reverse thrust from the right engine would make the plane bank to the left.
Then the reverse thrust screamed and the brakes jerked me forward against my belt.
Roman stopped his descent suddenly with full reverse thrust.
You have too much airspeed to land on it without reverse thrust??
Reverse thrust was obtained by the fan going through fine (rather than feather) pitch.
The equivalent concept for an airplane is reverse thrust.