But Republicans have been battling hard in three of those districts - and the one that looked like the surest slam-dunk for a Democrat is emerging as the one most in doubt.
Republicans, who traditionally stayed clear of the environmental movement, are now battling Democrats for the "green vote," threatening to seize the issue as their own.
Republicans and Democrats are battling over issues crucial to the course of an investigation, like subpoena powers and the authority to take depositions, grant immunity for witnesses and cite witnesses for contempt.
In the 1930's, Republicans furiously battled F.D.R.'s creation of the Social Security program.
Layoffs Frustrate Politicians Both Democrats and Republicans are battling about what messages they want to send to increasingly edgy voters.
Some political analysts questioned the timing of Mr. Corzine's announcement, wondering why Democrats would want attention while Republicans were battling one another.
Even more contentiously, and certainly more publicly than the Democrats, the Republicans have been battling over what message to send to increasingly edgy voters.
Republicans and Democrats battled over the legislation for nearly two years and still had disagreements over it.
In this state, as well as Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Nebraska and others, Republicans are battling one another over how best to define themselves and not squander their 1994 election gains.
Republicans and Democrats will also be battling over another group, the youngish professionals, commonly called "yuppies."