Republican leaders said they expected only a few members to support the bill.
But Republican leaders have not yet decided what form a bill should take.
Republican leaders say they hope the full House will vote on it soon.
Republican leaders in the House decided several weeks ago not to press ahead this year with any big tax plan.
But Republican leaders say they believe that may not matter.
I believe this view is held by most Republican leaders across the country.
The republican leaders have made it clear that they think time is on their side.
Republican leaders say they will offer a more responsible approach to the problem.
But Republican leaders have not come close to that goal.
Republican leaders met today to determine which approach to take.
"I want to find out about the cable thing," the Republican leader replied.
In the House, Republican leaders plan to pass their budget this week.
"Our rainy day fund says it can only be used to pay off past deficits," the Republican leader said.
"I think everybody agreed that you can't have a litmus test with every vote," the Republican leader said.
In the Senate, Republican leaders have been meeting to find ways to make a tax cut applicable right away.
A divided convention, which is what Republican leaders are now fearing, would be a disaster.
But economists say the positive impact has been less than what Republican leaders in Congress claim.
In the House, Republican leaders did not want to take their proposal to the floor unless they were certain of passage.
On Thursday, Republican leaders, under pressure from conservative members, reduced their offer to about $107 billion.
In the House, Republican leaders have not settled on a plan to bring the debt limit increase to a vote.