A new Republican Guard of 120 elite troops was created.
He is bringing in the Republican Guard for a last stand.
"The more difficult decision is how much of the Republican Guard and which ones to go after."
Were they members of the Republican Guard who threw off their uniforms?
We are seeing some movement in Republican Guard formations as well.
That's a very important part of their military capability, the Republican Guard.
For a time he was head of the Republican Guard.
The Republican Guard, as we've said many times, is quite good.
American forces have broken the back of the Republican Guard.
"The Republican Guard no longer serves in this country," he said.
The soldiers were from the 72nd regiment of the army's republican guard.
"The wounded inside the hospital are all Republican Guard," he said.
There were also Iraqi military experts in the northern republican guards and brigades.
The republican guard and the feudatory armies which were expected to contribute in case of war.
Russian television reported on Sept. 10 that Ukraine was planning to form a republican guard of 400,000 men.
They keep reinforcing, these Republican Guards, and we're killing them as they show up.
There was a sullen anger about these Republican Guards.
She turned to discover she was alone in the corridor with General Hamil and four of his republican guards.
Garde républicaine - Is the republican guard of France.
These officials also disagreed with the American assessment that the 60,000 to 75,000 Republican Guards remain the heart of the President's power base.