Rebecca Cole played drums in The Minders from 1996 to 2008 before becoming the keyboardist for Wild Flag.
A North Carolina mother, Rebecca Cole, shares my enthusiasm for a vaccine.
And if there isn't a pot to suit you, take inspiration from Rebecca Cole.
One client, Rebecca Cole, who owns Potted Gardens, a shop on Bedford Street, called the experience magical.
Last year, Brownstein started a new band, Wild Flag, with the drummer from Sleater-Kinney, Janet Weiss, and two other indie-rock eminences, Mary Timony and Rebecca Cole.
WHEN Rebecca Cole saw the big, blue All detergent can on top of the trash mountain at her favorite town dump in New Hampshire, she was sorry she had a dress on.
On the show, Robert or his co-host, Rebecca Cole, would redesign a room or exterior space at someone's home in order to surprise a loved one.
Rebecca Cole, a Greenwich Village florist, watched in horror last month as her flower-laden van fell off a city tow truck on one of the sweeps days and smashed into a parked car.
Rebecca Cole from the Potted Gardens in Greenwich Village landscaped the roof, using copper-plated planters.
Rebecca Cole was previously identified as the first African American female physician.