But if ultimate performance is your goal, then it has to be rear-wheel drive.
This is one of the main reasons nearly all racing cars are rear-wheel drive.
In the old days, when cars were rear-wheel drive, they pretty much looked the part.
Since all four wheels are off the ground, it doesn't matter if your vehicle is front- or rear-wheel drive.
It is rear-wheel drive, has independent suspension and a potential top speed of 420mph.
Few modern "family" cars have rear-wheel drive as of 2009, so a direct cost comparison is not necessarily possible.
Unusually in its sector by that time, the Sierra was still rear-wheel drive.
The cars are rear-wheel drive to suit the slips and slides of the show.
Rear-wheel drive is making a bit of a comeback.
Rear-wheel drive had been the industry's standard since the days of Henry Ford.