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Our Rasta, however, had a more complex sense of humor.
Rasta is a religious movement that came out of Jamaica.
The Rasta colors have also become a symbol of local pride.
Rufus says something, and the Rasta comes into the cabin alone.
"George has been smoking something," and on goes a rasta hat.
Simply because one is white does not mean it can not be a Rasta.
When the light comes back on, he appears with "Rasta" hair and, a few seconds later, the power is cut for the third time.
He's always nursed a desire to run away and become a Rasta.
He rushes off in the middle of your story to look at Rasta shoelaces.
The Rasta flicked his cigarette over the side and lit another.
The Rasta screamed and fell to the ground, clutching at his throat.
Are we hiring help out of that Rasta cluster now?"
No salt, though - that's also forbidden by the Rasta creed.
The name of the place refers to the drums and other Rasta gear for sale.
Contains the same tracks as White Rasta, in a different order.
You're just being paranoid Rasta - he sounds totally legit.
A few yards away, a crippled rasta sits in his wheelchair, killing time.
A Rasta left it for him this morning.
The Rasta stood abruptly up, the monocle dropping out of his eye.
There are Rasta communities all around the world.
Hall embraces the Rasta culture and supports the marijuana lifestyle.
The laser is then scanned in a continuous rasta pattern over the tissue.
Rasta is a thriller Bengali film made in 2003.
The Rasta flag is three horizontal stripes, descending green, yellow, and red.
The rasta is worn equally by the laypersons and the priests.