The kingdom grew in power and reached its zenith under Queen Tamar (reigned 1184-1212).
Queen Tamar (d. 1213) according to tradition used a flag with a dark red cross and a star in a white field.
Their possessions were further expanded under Queen Tamar of Georgia (r. 1184-1213).
When her second husband died, she returned to Georgia and ruled over it as a regent in the first years of Queen Tamar's reign.
In 1201-1203, during the reign of Queen Tamar, the city was again under Georgian rule.
According to legend, Queen Tamar held a competition to see who could build the best tower.
The badly damaged monastery was restored at the beginning of the 13th century, apparently with Queen Tamar's (1184-1210) sponsorship.
Queen Tamar lived here, and the complex is testament to the renaissance period in which she ruled.
It was Queen Tamar to whose honor the poet dedicated his masterpiece, written in ca. 1196-1207.
The gospel of Queen Tamar is dated back to 12th century.