Kuwait's official news agency said that Mr. Mutairi acknowledged that he was a believer "in the ideas of the Qaeda organization" after he was extradited by the Saudis.
The Qaeda organization, Mr. Armitage said at a news conference, "would prefer to have many such attacks to appear bigger than they are."
There is ample evidence that the Qaeda organization wanted weapons of mass destruction, including biological agents.
President Bush announced an international effort today to destroy two financial networks that American officials said had long been suspected of having ties to the Qaeda terrorist organization.
They are prepared to provide weapons and training in the continuing fight against the Abu Sayyaf group, which the United States has identified as a terrorist group with international links to the Qaeda organization.
German investigators have uncovered potential links between a key suspect in last week's deadly explosion at a synagogue in Tunisia and figures in the Qaeda terrorist organization, according to German media reports.
Our only real interest in Afghanistan is to eliminate it as a base for Osama bin Laden and his Qaeda terrorist organization.
The legislation, in effect, grants them the status of the roughly 3,200 people killed or injured on Sept. 11 as victims of terrorist attacks carried out, American officials say, by Osama bin Laden's Qaeda organization.
On the other hand, before 9/11 the Saudi and U.S. governments did not achieve full sharing of important intelligence information or develop an adequate joint effort to track and disrupt the finance of the Qaeda organization.
There have been three other statements, some made by other members of his Qaeda organization and including a letter apparently from Mr. bin Laden also released through Al Jazeera last week.