Pride's Purge: Politics in the Puritan Revolution.
London And The Outbreak Of The Puritan Revolution.
The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 3rd ed.
The English were looking for answers to questions such as how to combat the English Antinomians who appeared after the Puritan Revolution began in 1640.
It was the new poor in seventeenth century England who ensured the success of the Puritan Revolution.
"9 In the Puritan Revolution the royalists "were labeled 'Normans,' descendants of a group of foreign invaders.
Nobody could possibly have guessed it, but the civil war and the Puritan Revolution were only a few decades into the future.
In the eyes of the revivalists, Britain had lost the new light that had shone so brightly during the Puritan Revolution and now seemed decadent and regressive.
His masters were enthusiastic upholders of Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Revolution.
This resulted in the Puritan Revolution and Civil War of 1642-1648.