Prosecutors accused him of trying to assault a 12-year-old boy whom he had met on the street.
Prosecutors accused him of setting up bank accounts under the different identities.
The prosecutors accused the six of making 400 million won ($571,000) in illegal profits from stock deals.
It wasn't every day that a federal prosecutor accused him of falsely painting his own son as the fall guy for murder.
Military prosecutor accused them of organizing and leading the protest, demanding from 10 to 15 years for each person.
Prosecutors have also accused him of fleeing the ship before evacuation was complete.
The prosecutors did not formally accuse the couple of tax evasion.
Prosecutors and regulators accuse him of hiding how much money he borrowed from the company.
Prosecutors have accused the two men of being partners in a Bronx heroin ring.
In addition to the murder charges, prosecutors also accused them of theft, for taking the gold jewelry.