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We have been called a service economy in a post-industrial society.
Who would doubt this in the context of the post-industrial society?
In the post-industrial society, we have to get serious about how to tax these things."
According to Bell, the post-industrial society has several distinct characteristics.
He also wrote, "The post-industrial society is essentially a game between persons."
We have become a post-industrial society with much of the physical infrastructure and the skills already destroyed.
Italy, in some ways, is the ultimate post-industrial society: it has no government!
His themes are Northern post-industrial society, working class life, tough women and violent men.
He is best known for being the originator of the term "post-industrial society".
The fear of ghosts is widespread even in post-industrial societies.
"Obviously we need to move to a post-industrial society."
By and large, the academic community seems content simply to accommodate to the instrumental needs of post-industrial society.
Around this time, the United States became a "post-industrial society".
For Bell, the post-industrial society is one where science, scientists, and the scientific method become the dominant model.
Fasanella said it was not possible to be primitive in a post-industrial society.
In our post-industrial society, science and technology determine our lifestyle.
The shift in post-industrial societies is thus one of emancipation from authority.
A critique of post-industrial society - the overriding theme - is familiar by now.
The emergence of the post-industrial society has brought about a wave of cultural change.
There are three components to a post-industrial society, according to Bell:
Sweden's position as one of the world's most highly developed post-industrial societies looks fundamentally secure.
Alain Touraine already spoke in 1971 of the post-industrial society.
A recent trend has been the migration of prosperous, industrialized nations toward a post-industrial society.
We are not experiencing a transition to a post-industrial society, but from one kind of industrial society to another.
Which leaves the question--what part of Bell's post-industrial society has come to pass?