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Probably open meadows were created for the first time, as shown by pollen analysis.
Fossil pollen analysis shows that the main trees on the island had gone 72 years earlier in 1650.
According to the terms of the grant, the museum became the first institution to practice pollen analysis in archaeology.
Using pollen analysis, reconstruction of the history of the area over several hundred years was possible.
His handbook An introduction to pollen analysis was instrumental in the development of the discipline.
Well, for the record, pollen analysis isn't as specific as botany.
Sequences of pollen analysis are also indicators of forest continuity.
Pollen analysis (palynology) is mainly used to give an idea of the vegetation around an archaeological site.
With the publication of his 1921 thesis in German, pollen analysis became known outside Scandinavia.
Further the science of geology and pollen analysis can give us an image of landscape per eras.
Some studies have utilized fossilized pollen analysis, while others have used molecular genetics.
This hiatus is evident in the pollen analysis of the surrounding area and the lack of construction at the site.
The nuts were harvested in a single year, and pollen analysis suggests the hazel trees were all cut down at the same time.
Pollen analysis and the remains of marsh-plants indicates the local presence of swamps.
Pollen analysis shows a prevalence of grasses and sedges within a more complicated vegetation mosaic.
An alternative approach, pollen analysis, has placed plant remains from the sites into to the late pre-boral, boreal and Atlantic.
But by far the most refined technique for the interpretation of aggradation deposits is that of pollen analysis.
The evidence from pollen analysis indicates phases of clearance, regeneration, and further clearance.
Pollen analyses suggest that at this time woodland increased at the expense of the area under cultivation.
Pollen analysis shows that widespread clearance of the beech forests took place in the early Bronze Age.
Pollen analysis shows that woodland was decreasing and grassland increasing, with a major decline of elms.
Pollen analysis suggest that the locals cultivated legumes within the walls, but no other trace of agriculture have been identified.
Pollen analysis from bogs in the Nilgiris suggest that the complex of grassland and forest existed 35,000 years ago, long before human impact began.
The pollen analysis revealed the agricultural history of the native Iroquois Indians and the presence of their village.
Not until after 1000 AD does the pollen analysis show a continuous reduction in the woodlands and a considerable increase in heather.