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Americans in the past have often put off action on difficult political problems.
Such a decision would cause new political problems for the plan in Congress.
He's got some political problems at home, and we understand that.
"That would bring about serious political problems for the whole world."
Not that art doesn't present political problems of its own.
But this is more than a list of political problems.
Suddenly, I find myself working for a company with big political problems.
And it is a political problem, not a military one.
However the army was to create political problems of its own.
All our most significant social and political problems go back at least 300 years.
This is usually because of a political problem inside the country.
Because it is a political problem, created by the Government.
But in the end, it was a political problem, not her area.
"But it's a major political problem and could take a long time to come about."
"We don't want to create a political problem between us and the president."
When the leaders get together they ought to talk about political problems.
"They have always considered it a moral and political problem."
Will they really respond to the political problems of our time?
There was also a political problem for both main parties.
"Companies just care about making money," said a woman who has some political problems and is leaving her job in the Government.
I also agree with those who have said that in themselves human rights alone cannot be the answer to every political problem.
Reducing the tax could cause social, economic and political problems, he said.
Whatever decision the President makes is bound to create political problems.
"You're aware of the political problems we have here now?"
"With all the political problems the administration has, why pick this fight?"