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Who would've thought there'd be so much snow in the Pliocene?
"You've been here in the Pliocene for a long time.
And we have no detailed knowledge of what lies on the other side in the Pliocene land.
Throughout the rest of the Pliocene, the river basin eventually took on its current form.
Papa had brought all kinds of equipment to the Pliocene.
The age is estimated to be between 4 and 5 million years placing it in the Pliocene.
Later in the Pliocene till now contraction has taken place again.
Forms related to this species are quite widespread in the Pliocene.
Neither do most of my old associates who accompanied me to the Pliocene.
"The idiot would have gone right along with the rock, straight back to the place where it came from in the Pliocene."
It is believed that the island has been isolated, at least, since the Pliocene.
The crust still continues to fold in these areas since the Pliocene.
It was described from fossil remains dating to the Pliocene.
Presumably the cave was formed during the Pliocene about 3 to 2 million years ago.
If the others in the Pliocene don't know where she's gone?"
The world continued to get cooler and drier in the Pliocene.
It's incredible what some time-travellers thought to bring to the Pliocene!
Nothing definitely later than the Pliocene could be discovered.
We could get no pictures, no sounds from the Pliocene.
Fossils of the genus have been found to date from the Pliocene.
The genus first evolved up to seven million years ago during the Pliocene era.
I came to the Pliocene three years before your famous Rebellion.
It was created during the rise in sea level during the Pliocene.
They preserve the original surface since the Pliocene period.
Richard and me were worried about ordinary human outlaws in the Pliocene.
The Pleiocene had ended that, with millions of years of drought.
Fresh discoveries of remains in the pleiocene formation had emboldened other geologists to refer back the human species to a higher antiquity still.
They had been the coverings of those gigantic glyptodons or armadilloes of the pleiocene period, of which the modern tortoise is but a miniature representative.