It is found in and dominates the Plaza de Colón, one of the major commercial centres in Madrid.
The fact is known as the "Massacre of Plaza Colon".
Six bombs detonate in the Plaza de Colón, in the middle of the City.
We turned off the boulevard and stopped at a place the driver said was Plaza Colon.
The Plaza Colon was a hub for several narrow streets.
He had never heard of it, so we drove back to Plaza Colon, where I leaned out the window and asked a cop.
We walked several blocks down to the Plaza Colon and got a cab.
Begin your exploration at Plaza de Colón (Columbus Square).
Taking a left out of the museum brings you back to Plaza Colón, from where you can make your way south toward San Juan harbor.
The theater faces east, across from Plaza de Colón, on Fortaleza Street, and was constructed in 1824.