The School has issued many publications including PBS video "Teach Me Different," and several books available at Barnes & Noble Booksellers.
To begin with, there is no one source of PBS videos.
But beyond such offers lies a tangle of arrangements to sell PBS videos in stores and by mail order.
"Murder of the Century," a PBS video, is available for continuous viewing in the gallery.
Julian Bond was the narrator of the PBS video, Eyes on the Prize, recounting the civil rights controversies of the 1950s and 1960s.
Life in Death Valley - Little Fish, Big Splash (PBS video)
The documentary, available on DVD, can also be viewed online: PBS video, 1 hr.
They sent e-mail messages and letters, stopped her in the hall, called board members, demanded meetings, requested copies of the PBS videos that she showed in class.
The PBS video of The Song and The Slogan premiered on February 10, 2003.
More From PBS The scant supply of PBS videos in stores is scheduled for an infusion in the fall.