Embraer's net income in the October-December quarter more than quadrupled, to 226.3 million reais, or $130.3 million.
The revamping will result in a $7 million charge, partly for executive severance payments, in the October-December quarter.
For the October-December quarter, total compensation costs climbed eight-tenths of 1 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, the same as during the summer.
"It all depends on how we perform in the October-December quarter."
Inclusion of the information would have pushed the gross domestic product for October-December 1999 quarter significantly lower than what had been announced.
Economists are widely predicting that the nation's economy grew at a tepid pace of 1.7 to 2.7 percent in the October-December quarter.
It was the widest imbalance since a deficit of $26.69 billion in the October-December quarter last year.
The division wasted about $12 million in advertising in the October-December quarter of 1970.
Japanese companies sharply cut capital investments in the October-December quarter, the first decline in two years, to help offset falling profits, according to new government figures.
Japan, for example, slipped back into a recession in the October-December 1999 quarter and continues to show mixed signals about recovering in the current quarter.