None work well during a Northeastern winter.
For several years, Northeastern winters were warmer than average in many places.
But when it comes to tomatoes, acceptable is not good enough, not even in the dead of a Northeastern winter.
In practice, almost everything except waistlines responds to the Northeastern winter by growing less robustly.
However, one of Weber's problems was that the neighborhood was not built to cope with the Northeastern winters.
Survival of Easter lilies in the garden over Northeastern winters is chancy at best.
IF this seemingly longest of all Northeastern winters has smashed humans' routines to smithereens, consider the region's wildlife.
They moved 15 years ago, largely to escape Northeastern winters.
Perhaps the biggest challenge of growing perennials in the Northeast is the legendary Northeastern winter.
But what about the Northeastern winter, so unlike the jungles of home?