Nick Turner of Reuters approached Nhu and interviewed him about these rumors.
The discussion will be chaired by Nick Turner, head of digital content for the Cumbria-based CN Group.
Created by Ryan Hendrix and Nick Turner as a music collaboration and quickly evolved into a band when Cory Suter joined.
Ryan Hendrix and Nick Turner met in 1998 when both were attending Oklahoma State University.
His 257-yard performance ranks second all-time in the SEC behind Mississippi State's Nick Turner and his 266-yard performance.
Good work by young Nick Turner resulted in the cross from which Sharman equalised.
The game was programmed by Nick Turner with graphics designed by Alan Murphy.
In 1994 the service area was subject to a management buyout, led by Nick Turner, who had been running the site for the previous three years.
Nick Turner is a drummer.
"We had been planning to do the multicast for a long time," said Nick Turner, the band's manager.