It has no net debt, and $6 billion in the bank.
The net public debt at 31 March 1947, was £49,894.
But they are surely not financial: at the end of 1992, net debt was less than $785m.
The new company will have net combined debt of $3.4 billion, relatively small for its size.
Net debt stood at €260m, €10m less than forecast in October and a €51m cut for the year.
Even at its peak, net debt would be "in line with the average for the other G7 economies".
This "net debt" is really another way of talking about the budget and trade deficits.
Real madrid announced that it had a net debt of €170 million after the 2010-11 season.
By 1990, most predictions point to a net foreign debt of $1 trillion.
Net debt rose to £11.7bn from £4.9bn following the Altadis deal.