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In the early years the station played easy listening, and elevator music.
For her to do "elevator music", as she called it, was a great surprise to the young audience.
"But actually, the elevator music concept has its roots in history," he said.
He believed that too much of graphic design had become "elevator music for the culture."
Elevator music not quite, but rising out of the background might be an issue."
Jack has to take an important call and puts the conference on hold, leaving a background of elevator music for everyone else.
The participant who puts himself on hold, leaving everyone else listening to elevator music.
If there was elevator music, I was going to scream.
Elevator music, but this was an elevator that only went up.
The only entertainment was soft "elevator music" coming from I don't know where.
Initially they were an easy listening station without anything that would be classified as "elevator music".
Elevator music hummed over the wire while his sister caught the second call.
That would be like criticizing elevator music on esthetic grounds.
They deliver elevator music and even that is confined to a narrow spectrum.
From 2000 to 2002 Cars.com originally had a commercial featuring elevator music.
Presumably the name change was made to help dispel the station's image of being an "elevator music" station.
This architecture makes about as many intellectual demands on us as elevator music.
Such music is often referred to as elevator music.
Imagine the relief of silence after a lifetime of elevator music.
The selections are up to Muzak, she said, though "we prefer to avoid true elevator music."
The background elevator music and the smell of cheap cosmetics added to his discomfort.
The video begins with bland, generic, elevator music music being played.
"If we're looking for elevator music, then we don't need a National Endowment."
The intercom dial is set on number one, and you can hear elevator music and water running somewhere.
"We expected," he said, "an old folks gig to be, like, you know, elevator music.