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But the truth is that the studies behind the Mozart effect were conducted on college students, not young children.
But the Mozart effect sounded so right to parents and policymakers.
In 1999 a major challenge was raised to the existence of the Mozart effect by two teams of researchers.
The Mozart effect is inconsistent when tested with musicians and non-musicians.
Although the researchers refer to the "Mozart effect," it's not clear what music the endoscopists were actually listening to.
Even though the "Mozart Effect" is controversial, the proof shows reliability.
Music for the Mozart Effect, with various artists.
The Mozart effect may indeed be flawed.
It is, of course, the parents of the second group who read articles about matters like the Mozart effect and then overdo.
This has been called the "Mozart effect."
Given the publicity blitz that has attended the so-called Mozart effect, most people could be forgiven if they quickly answered, "true!"
The phenomenon was coined the Mozart effect.
And if the little person seated next to you has drifted off, don't disturb his music-induced reverie; that's the Mozart effect.
This is called the Mozart Effect.
Also, studies in recent years have linked music-making with enhanced cognitive development in children (the so-called "Mozart effect").
Facing the risks of the "Mozart Effect."
The Mozart effect can refer to:
The Mozart Effect improves spatial-temporal reasoning.
The Mozart Effect for Children.
The neurobiologists speak of a "Mozart effect" in the rise of students' I.Q.'s.
One of the co-authors of the original studies of the Mozart effect commented "I don't think it can hurt.
Take the so-called Mozart effect, that well-varnished notion that children who grow up listening to Mozart turn out smarter.
When McDull was still a baby, Ms Mak sent him to a test on the Mozart effect.
In 2010, as the senior author, Formann debunked in a meta-analysis the famous Mozart effect as a myth.
He has published papers on a diverse array of topics, including human intelligence, beauty and the brain, face recognition, the Mozart effect, group performance, and visual cognition.