Some 400 Mohawk warriors joined in.
There were four Mohawk warriors in the hut; one dumped a load of wood into the fircpit and thrust the brand he held into the pile.
A small British force and a larger contingent of Mohawk warriors were then readied for the American attack.
Among the Senecas, she had seen men tortured to death, had heard good Mohawk warriors cry out in agony as their will broke.
They operated alongside a group of Mohawk warriors at Lacolle, engaging in running firefights with the Americans during the latter's advance to the mill.
In fact, young Mohawk warriors have built wooden huts and wigwams where they might be watching golfers putt if they had not built the barricades.
The next day, a Mohawk warrior killed her mother after she fell while crossing the icy waters of the Green River.
It had eight companies of light infantry, and some Mohawk warriors were attached.
Yet he still sported the single top-knot and tattoos of a Mohawk warrior so when a soldier shouted, "Thief!"
"Aunt Samantha married a Mohawk warrior."