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It carries 26,000 merinos and is operated with a staff of seven people.
In 2011 Merinos had a population of 528.
Both these problems are more severe in breeds with heavy wool growth such as Merinos.
The station has a carrying capacity of 50,000 sheep, which are merinos raised for their wool.
At the time the station was carrying 27,000 merinos which gave an annual clip of 480 bales.
"Jenny's own flock of merinos, that she keeps for the special wool.
Merinos are white-faced sheep that produce the finest and most valuable wool in the world.
Did the merinos help it spread?
Merinos are regarded as having some of the finest and softest wool of any sheep.
Sheep are also raised, particularly Merinos, although problems with salinity, erosion and drought are common.
"But mechanical shearing came along in the 1880's, and smooth Merinos were suddenly more desirable.
It numbered seven, to be exact, and might have been less had not seven merinos finally bolted for freedom out from under their riders.
Before the 18th century, the export of Merinos from Spain was a crime punishable by death.
By 1880, he had over 30,000 head of sheep, most of which were fine-wooled Spanish merinos.
The district usually runs about 937,000 sheep (mostly Merinos) and around 85,500 stud and commercial beef cattle.
The district is also a renowned sheep producing area, particularly medium woolled merinos.
A single gene with three possible alleles controls horn inheritance in Australian Merinos.
There is also a large woolshed, capable of shearing 15,000 merinos, built by Robertson in 1841.
Merinos can go up an' crossbreds come down till they're both out o' sight, for all Ah care.
Saxony lifted the export ban on living Merinos after the Napoleonic wars.
Today, as many as 70 per cent of Merinos in Australia are said to be directly descended from these sheep.
Merinos are normally shorn annually, but Shrek apparently hid in caves, avoiding muster.
Merinos, and much of the land in these countries does not lend itself to the mob intervention that is found in smaller flock breeding countries.
Then, as the party watched with awe, she stood up in the two-foot depths and scampered to safety, two water-and-arrow-logged merinos at her heels.
New strains of Merinos that do not require mulesing are being promoted in South Australia.