The premium on his 1997 Mercury Mountaineer dropped nearly 30 percent, to $1,273 a year.
Arriving just as the guy settled behind the wheel of a Mercury Mountaineer, Dylan prevented him from shutting the door.
The salt flats glow white, and the Mercury Mountaineer is white, so the vehicle shouldn't be easily visible from a distance.
As he eats, his thoughts are drawn to Gabby's abandonment of the Mercury Mountaineer in the middle of the salt flats.
The mystery of Gabby's panicky exit from the Mercury Mountaineer is solved.
Ford was introducing a new Explorer and Mercury Mountaineer, both available with a third-row seat.
The boy in the black vest jumped out of a dark blue Mercury Mountaineer and held the door.
And the Mercury Mountaineer is simply a fancy Ford Explorer.
The taillights of the Mercury Mountaineer and Mazda CX-7 appear almost completely white.
Structurally, it has a lot in common with the midsize Ford Explorer and Mercury Mountaineer.