Bond is a medieval knight brought into the late 20th century.
And hadn't he sworn himself into her service, like some kind of medieval knight?
In one icon he is painted to look like a medieval Russian knight.
A medieval knight's education consisted of activities to educate the mind, body, and spirit.
He adds, "I haven't been able to make the transition to a medieval knight or something.
She would certainly not belong to a medieval knight who only wanted her for a quickie.
Sometimes used in the context meaning the supporters or followers of a medieval knight.
It is impossible not to feel a medieval knight during the adventure.
A medieval knight in full armour might have felt the same toward a flea.
If he were a medieval knight, he would ask for a token and keep it close to his heart.
Bond is a medieval knight brought into the late 20th century.
And hadn't he sworn himself into her service, like some kind of medieval knight?
In one icon he is painted to look like a medieval Russian knight.
He adds, "I haven't been able to make the transition to a medieval knight or something.
She would certainly not belong to a medieval knight who only wanted her for a quickie.
Sometimes used in the context meaning the supporters or followers of a medieval knight.
It is impossible not to feel a medieval knight during the adventure.
A medieval knight in full armour might have felt the same toward a flea.
If he were a medieval knight, he would ask for a token and keep it close to his heart.
These are civil servants whose job protection carries more armor than a medieval knight.