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The main square is the centre of the old city.
It looked out onto the main square at the front of the house.
After you can enjoy the good music in the main square.
It is very nice, open air on some steps up from the main square.
Later, perhaps after a good lunch in the main square, go and look at the real thing.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the town had only three streets around the main square.
In the main square a bank and a travel agency were built.
It is also done in the main square of the village.
These wind through the streets on their way to the main square.
Just to its south is the village hall and the main square.
The directions led to a small street not far from the main square.
Whole families rushed out to the main square to see for themselves.
His head was left hanging in the town's main square, now named for him.
They had left their car parked in the town's main square.
There is currently a plan to build a five story high school near the main square.
The first sign is in an across of the road that gives access to the town's main square.
That night he showed up at a festival in the main square.
The main square was empty, like the streets through which he had just walked.
Near the market, the city's main square spread out under the heavy sky.
It has a large plaza which is considered to have been the main square for the city.
They would bring the crops of the week's labour to the main square, which is where the Market was held.
A white plastic tent was in the town's main square.
Participants said the city's main square was filled to capacity.
Outdoor markets are held each week in the main square.
Currently the main square of the town bears his name.