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At the end, however, are a few short petitions such as those found in the litanies of the saints.
When they recited the litany of the saints, Henry kept calling upon Saint Chad, pray for me.
Others might quarrel on theological grounds that the litany of the saints amounts to a cult of the dead, or ancestor worship.
At 4:30 p.m., the cardinals make a procession to the Sistine Chapel, as chanters intone the litany of the saints.
Each of these masses includes the Blessed Sacrament being processed and the litanies of the saints being chanted.
Again the thunder of the choir filled the basilica with the Litany of the Saints: "Father-of-Heaven, God, have mercy on us.
Theodore also taught sacred music, introduced various texts, knowledge of Eastern saints, and may even have been responsible for the introduction of the Litany of the Saints, a major liturgical innovation, into the West.
He rested his forehead on his folded arms, and closed his eyes as the litany of the saints was chanted, one name after another, for eight full minutes before he finally stood and walked over to the bishop's seat.
It was an easy matter to improvise between the "Sancta Maria" and the "Ora pro nobis", repeated over and over, a series of tropes consisting of different praises, with an occasional added petition, imitated however broadly from the litanies of the saints.
The Mass pro pace is to be sung on the second day of the Exposition; and the litanies of the saints are to be chanted under conditions minutely specified, at the conclusion of the procession both at the opening and close of the Quarant' Ore.
Within that part, the chapter on Viaticum is followed by two more chapters, one on Commendation of the Dying, with short texts, mainly from the Bible, a special form of the litany of the saints, and other prayers, and the other on Prayers for the Dead.
The fidelity is to a certain set of Democratic principles and to a set of names he incants like a litany of the saints: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Hubert H. Humphrey and even, at times, Jimmy Carter.
Many Helping Hands In keeping with the theme of good works having their impact in the commonplace, the booklet at the dedication expressed gratitude to the home's supporters like an earthly litany of the saints: Thanks to the members of the Advisory Committee for talking up the home to neighbors.
During the Middle Ages, as is well known, it was customary to repeat over and over single invocations in the litanies of the saints, and thus we find that the basic principle of the Marian litanies is this constant repetition of the invocation, "Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis."