It is no longer just the Maginot line of city planning.
They were used, among other things, to service the Maginot Line.
He didn't allow anything to distract him, not even fighting on the Maginot line.
"No diplomacy can claim to be any kind of Maginot line that would protect us."
It was a case of a Maginot Line that worked.
When that didn't work they built the Maginot Line and went to sleep behind it.
But as a free society, we can't win this war by building ourselves a better Maginot Line.
For all the people involved, the accident creates a Maginot line in their lives, forever dividing the past from the present and the future.
"Maginot Line" will have its premiere tonight at 9.
I believe that the previous speaker does not know the story of the Maginot Line.