In the mid-1990s Laughter Yoga was practiced in the early mornings, primarily by groups of older men in open parks.
Laughter Yoga brings more oxygen to the body and brain by incorporating yogic breathing which results in deep diaphragmatic breathing.
A handful of small-scale scientific studies have indicated that Laughter Yoga may potentially have some medically beneficial effects, including benefits to cardiovasular health and mood.
Further scientific testing of Laughter Yoga is required before any conclusions about its medical usefulness can be drawn.
There are even laughing yoga classes (Go to Laughter Yoga to find a class near you).
Laughter Yoga is somewhat similar to traditional yoga, it is an exercise which incorporates breathing, yoga, and stretching techniques, along with laughter.
He enjoys laughing and practices Laughter Yoga and other forms of meditation such as mahamudra.
A selection of these techniques include: adding value, breathing, cue cards, feigning confidence, 'going peripheral', Laughter Yoga, living in 'the now' (ref.
The more Wexler travels into the strange worlds of Laughter Yoga, calorie restriction, and old-fashioned religion, the less sure he becomes of his goal.
The film features the development of Laughter Yoga and traces the development of laughter culture to the Inuit of the far north.